Tilde Eriksen Eine

Hello, I'm Tilde!

I'm a cybersecurity student interested in pentesting and software development, currently in my fifth and last year of a M.Sc in Cybersecurity and Data Communication at NTNU.


Highly Dependable Blockchain

Highly Dependable Blockchain

Developed a secure blockchain using the IBFT consensus algorithm, ensuring integrity and resilience against Byzantine faults.

Ambient Home Security System

Ambient Home Security System

Developed an ambient system prototype to monitor and ensure the safety of home appliances for at-risk individuals living alone.

Secure Network for Health Records

Secure Network for Health Records

Implemented a secure network for signing and accessing electronic health records using firewalls, authentication, and cryptography.

IaC To-Do List Application

IaC To-Do List Application

Deployed a scalable To-Do List application using Terraform, Ansible, and Vagrant for infrastructure-as-code on Google Cloud Platform.

Who am I?

Tilde Eriksen Eine

Hi there! I'm a master's student at NTNU Trondheim, graduating in June 2025 with a degree in Cybersecurity and Data Communications, specializing in Information Security. I've had an interest in technology since secondary school and enjoy learning new technologies and testing my problem-solving skills.

Outside my studies, I work as a student teaching assistant in several courses, with the longest being Security and Robustness in ICT Systems. I've been in this role for two years and am starting my third this fall. I also enjoy being active in student organizations. As part of the company committee of my student union, Abakus, I spent two years organizing BedEx, our big annual trip to visit companies in Oslo. During my third year of studies, I handled the travel planning for our class excursion to Germany and Thailand.

Outside of NTNU, I have an interest in the outdoors and martial arts, and I especially love going for weekend hikes. I also enjoy tinkering with different tech projects for fun and learning new skills, which this site is an example of. I enjoy planning and organizing, and I'm the planner of my friend group for any activities.

I'm also into cybersecurity competitions and occasionally play CTFs with NTNU's team, Itemize. Last summer, I had a great internship at Visma, where I worked on a team project developing a documentation page using Docusaurus. This summer, I'm super excited to take on a more cybersecurity-focused role during my internship at Mnemonic.

Have an opportunity, some feedback, or an interesting idea to share?

Get in touch!